System-Clean is a powerful oxidant that prevents bacterial attacks, obstructions and the accumulation of nutrients in irrigation systems.
A clean irrigation system improves the growth and development of the plant, especially in the area of ??the root system, allowing the plant to come into contact with a greater amount of oxygen and nutrients without affecting the pH.
Unabsorbed nutrients can cause an increase in the biological patina in the irrigation system. This accumulation of nutrients acidifies the substrate (reducing its pH) and increases the possibility of a microbial attack by providing nourishment for pathogens.
? Prevents the dispersion of nutrients and oxygen in irrigation systems (improves the efficiency of the irrigation system and absorption by the plant)
? Eliminates the accumulation of biological patina in irrigation systems (prevents the accumulation of nutrients)
? Brings more oxygen to the root system area (increases the amount of oxygen dissolved in the fertilizer solution)
? Eliminates sources of pathogens
Add System-Clean to the tank with the fertilizer solution, preferably just before each irrigation, at a dose of 2.5 ml of product in 10 L of water. Add System-Clean last to the fertilizer tank after adjusting the pH. The fertilizer solution is kept for a maximum of 3 days, after which System-Clean must be mixed with the entire volume of water in the fertilizer tank, to help minimize the accumulation of biological patina and residues.