Clean. Cool. Control.
For connoisseurs who simply want the very best portable, dual-use vaporizer, DaVinci�s newest provides cooler vapor and the ultimate flavor and control. The IQ2 empowers you to not only customize your hemp experience through precision temperature and adjustable air flow, but also empowers you to track and report your dose per draw and per session.
DaVinci�s Legacy of Exceptionally Clean Vaporizers Continues
Like the other DaVinci vaporizers, the IQ2 is built with purity in mind with medical-grade components. No metal or plastic parts touch your herb or contaminate the flavor of your vapor. The airtight, all ceramic air path is engineered with zirconia and a glass-lined oven to ensure unprecedented purity and flavor.
NEW: Air Dial� for Adjustable Air Flow
Using the IQ2�s air flow dial, adjust your device for easier draws and enjoy vapor that is 50% cooler than other vaporizers. Reduce your draw resistance and experience bigger, denser vapor.
NEW: On Device and In-App Dosage Calculation
Input your strain potency and the amount of herb or extracts in your oven and your IQ2 will track and report dose per draw and per session. Add a maximum dose per session in the app and your IQ2 will alert you when you have reached your desired dose.
Includes IQ2 dual use vaporizer, 10mm Bubbler Adapter, 0.2g Dosage Pod, 9 Pieces Organic Cottons, 1 Ceramic Extract Tab, USB Charging Cable, Pick Tool, 9 Alchohol Wipes.