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Because of the small particle size, Liquid Lime is best applied when mixed with water. The mixing and subsequent pouring of the lime provides an ideal distribution over the soil. With 10 kg of Liquid Lime, one can make 20 to 30 lt of the ready-to-use formula. This is enough to make the ph-level of a standard soil increase with one point, when applying on 40 square meters of soil.

What is Liquid Lime?
Liquid Lime is an easy to use and extremely effective lime. The lime particles that make up Liquid Lime are 300 times smaller (<5 um) than conventional powder limes. The small size of the particles provides for a large total contact surface. Because of this, the reactivity of Liquid Lime is higher than conventional limes. This meant that Liquid Lime acts faster and heavier, adjusting the acidity of the soil within a couple of days (whereas conventional).

Why use Liquid Lime?
The use of Co2 Bucket ensures that the ambient Co2 level in your growroom reaches an appropriate level and stays there. Using Co2 generating concepts in your grow room pushes your plants to the next level. The presence of Co2 in the air enables the plant to absorb high amounts of nutrients, which will make your plants stronger and healthier. As opposed to some other Co2 producing concepts, the Co2 Bucket does not use dangerous chemical substances in its processes. Being 100% natural, the contents of the Co2 bucket can be used as a soil amendment after its primary use. The content will enhance the ecosystem by stimulating the micro biological life in the soil.

How to use Liquid Lime?
The Co2 Bucket is easy to apply. To use the Co2 Bucket in your grow room hang the bucket next to your lamp and power up the attached air pump. One should use the Co2 Bucket during the time that the lights are switched on. So the air pump should be switched on at the same time as lamps. This is because plants only use Co2 during the day and not during the night. The warmth of the lamp will activate the microbiological life in the bucket, thereby increasing the Co2 output during this period. Beware that plants will need to absorb more water to make use of the extra Co2 in the air. You should therefore make sure that enough water and nutrient are provided. If not provided, the extra Co2 in the air will have adverse effects.

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